to enter an apartment building with an open window. You will find it carried by Belltower Soldiers and Mercs, or unlock a Level 4 security door near the Detroit L.I.M.B. It’s a long range weapon with a devastating amount of damage. You will get it in Clock and Daggers side quest or you can buy it from the hotel on the first floor in Hangsha. Give Letitia, the hobo informant four bears and she will give you the storage locker key codes. Or you can get it from the locked locker. You can take down a police officer to retrieve this weapon off him though, it’s not recommended. It has a medium-to-long-range with a large ammo capacity but don’t rely on it against heavily armored enemies. You will get it on your first mission when Devid Sarif asks you about the mission approach, choose ‘Lethal’ then ‘Ranged’. It’s a rapid-firing, automatic rifle that is equally good in warfare and open combat. Or you can take it from Zeke Sanders who carries it around at the Sarif Plant or buy it from the weapon dealer in the storage room of the Alice Pod Gardens. You will find it hidden in lockers or behind locked doors. Revolver is powerful five-round handgun that fires match-grade high velocity ammunition. Low Power, high rate-of-fire makes it useful against multiple unarmed enemies but at all times, you should avoid engaging inorganics with this weapon equipped.

30 round capacity but weak stopping power. It’s a rapid-fire weapon best used for personal defense. It’s a short-range weapon with good fire rate and 10 round capacity.

Good stopping power makes it a decent weapon against unarmed enemies. It’s a common handgun in Deus Ex: Human Revolution. You may want to look into our Key codes and Hacking Passwords if you can’t unlock a specific terminal, device or locked door to get the weapon you want. We have detailed everything you need to know – from weapons to weapons mods to explosives and mines. These weapon mods are weapon specifics so every weapon supports only a limited number of mods that you can install in it. You can also enhance the effectiveness of your weapon by installing different weapon mods. Still, when the time calls for it, there is a huge arsenal of weapons that can save your skin in Deus Ex Human Revolution and that’s why you need to know more about the best weapons in the game and where to get them. Deus Ex: Human Revolution is more about Stealth and sneaking past your enemies to get what you want and leave than about going gun-blazing into the heart of the enemy to get a bullet in your arse and leave with alarmingly low health.